Growing your business with innovation management standards

Growing your business with innovation management standards

On Thursday 1 June, SBS organised a webinar on innovation management standards, particularly the ISO 56000 family of standards, and their potential impact on SMEs.

The panellists discussed the specificities of innovation management standards and the benefits and challenges for European SMEs in implementing them. Furthermore, participants had the opportunity to listen to the testimonial of an SME entrepreneur who has been using one or more ISO 56000 standards.

The webinar aimed to inform SMEs interested in implementing innovation management standards in their work and processes and to increase awareness of these standards among SME representatives.

The webinar was organised in the context of the hosting by SBS of a meeting of the ISO/TC 279 working group on tools and methods for innovation management (WG3).

Event material:

– Belen Suarez
– Carlos Lopez Rodriguez
– Isabel Caetano
– Sorin Cohn-Sfetcu
– Ismael Arribas
– Hiro Nishiguchi

Contact: Andrea Raffaelli


Programme and recording of the conference


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