SME standardisation Guide 17

Our SME Guides offer detailed, practical advice on navigating the complexities of standardisation, tailored specifically for the needs of SMEs.

SME Standardisation Guide 17

SME Standardisation Guide 17

In 2010, CEN and CENELEC decided to adopt Guide 17 for writing standards taking into account SMEs needs. Also thanks to the fundamental contribution of SME representatives during the drafting phase, this guide raises awareness on the issues that may be of importance to SMEs in the development of standards and to facilitate the increased participation of SMEs in standardisation work. The guide presents a list of recommendations and measures that can be implemented in different moments of the standard drafting process, from the preparation of the new work item to the final review process. Some of the most relevant recommendations are:

Guide 17 is available free-of-charge in several European languages. Please click on the following links to download the guide in PDF.

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