Annual Conference – How can standards support SMEs to benefit from the data economy?

Annual Conference – How can standards support SMEs to benefit from the data economy?


How can standards support SMEs to benefit from the data economy?


29 September 2020 – 13.30-16.15 CEST

Building the data economy is key to achieving a “Europe fit for the digital age”, one of the main priorities of the new European Commission. Data access, sharing and exchange between different players in the value chain and across sectors offers tremendous potential in the creation of innovative products and services. SMEs, for which access to data is a growing issue, must unlock their data potential in order to innovate and grow. In this context, standardisation has a key role to play as a tool to overcome market barriers.

This year’s annual conference, moderated by Katrina Sichel, focused on opportunities and challenges in the emerging data economy. Representatives from the European Institutions, SME and SME associations, standardisation organisations, as well as other key stakeholders participating in the standards development process at national and European level discussed how standards can help remove the barriers that prevent small players such as SMEs from exploiting the full potential of the data economy or even from being able to trade at all.





Programme and recording of the conference


Views and opinions expressed are those of Small Business Standards (SBS) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EFTA. Neither the European Union nor EFTA can be held responsible for them.