
Explore how the SBS activities help to shape sustainability-related policies and standards and support SMEs in their green transition.

By providing guidance and best practices, reducing risk and increasing efficiency, standardisation can help SMEs navigate their way through sustainability. Standards can also facilitate the implementation of the growing number of pieces of EU legislation in this area. 

SBS activities on sustainability aim to shape the rapidly increasing legislative and related standardisation work that underpins the  European Green Deal.

Sustainability is the fastest growing area of work for SBS both on the policy and the technical side.  In this context, SBS is closely following the legislative and standardisation work related to the new Regulation on ecodesign requirements for sustainable products in addition to other topics such as green claims or the right to repair. Various position papers have been developed in these areas to present the views of SMEs and to stress the need for them to be involved in developing the standards that support the implementation of these regulations.

On the technical side, each year SBS nominates and funds experts that actively shape the development of European and international standards on topics ranging from environmental management systems, Circular economy, the Digital Product Passport or specific circularity and sustainability topics within sector- and product-specific Technical Committees (e.g. construction, furniture, personal protective equipment). Our experts in CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, ISO and IEC contribute to the development of these standards to ensure they meet SME needs. 

To ensure smooth coordination between the SBS members and experts, SBS created a Sustainability Working Group as a platform for discussion and exchange and to agree on SBS’ positions on sustainability related policy and technical issues.

Views and opinions expressed are those of Small Business Standards (SBS) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EFTA. Neither the European Union nor EFTA can be held responsible for them.