Standardisation policy
SBS brings the voice of European SMEs at the heart of the Brussels decision-making on standardisation.
Active engagement in shaping general standardisation policies is essential for SMEs as it creates favourable conditions for them to influence the development of and access to standards that directly affect their industries.
As one of the so-called Annex III organisations, tasked with representing European SMEs in standardisation under Regulation 1025/2012, the main European Regulation setting the framework for the European standardisation system, SBS is in a unique position to support and uphold SME interests in standardisation. Harnessing the renewed strategic emphasis placed on standardisation in recent years by the EU institutions, we bring forward our views in support of SMEs towards policymakers and European and international standards organisations.
SBS pursues this mission with clear positions and concrete contributions to the latest legislative developments concerning standardisation, like the EU standardisation Strategy or Regulation 1025/2012 which provides the legislative bedrock of the European standardisation system.
SBS is also very active in the newly created High-Level Forum on European standardisation and participates as an observer in the Committee on Standards, which provides the views of Member States on European Commission draft standardisation requests to the European standards organisations for the development of standards and other deliverables in support of European policies and legislation.
SBS also promotes the role and interests of SMEs by participating in different governing and advisory bodies of the European standardisation organisations such as the CEN and CENELEC Technical Boards where SBS participates as an observer and the ETSI Board, where SBS has a representative.
The GUIDE 17 – SME Standardisation Guide
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The GUIDE 17 – SME Standardisation Guide
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