Standardisation – Best practices to involve SMEs

Standardisation – Best practices to involve SMEs


Small Business Standards has the pleasure to invite you to the fourth edition of the SBS Twinning seminar which will take place on 21 February from 10.00 to 12.30AM and will be organised with the support of SMEunited, the Association of Crafts and SMEs in Europe.

The objective of this seminar is to raise awareness among National standardisation Bodies (NSBs) about the value of further including Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in standardisation and to share experiences on SME initiatives.
NBN, the Belgian Bureau for standardisation, NEN, the Royal Netherlands standardisation Institute,  and ILNAS, the Institut Luxembourgeois de la Normalisation, de l’Accréditation, de la Sécurité et qualité des produits et services and the Belgian Electrotechnical Committee,  will share and identify good practices in reaching out and involving smaller businesses in standardisation.
The seminar will include presentations from SBS Director Maitane Olabarria, SMEunited Secretary-General Véronique Willems, NEN Business Unit Manager Standards Gertjan van den Akker, NBN Sector Relations Expert Charlotte De Mey, ILNAS Attaché Micael Borges and Nelectra Managing Director Viviane Camphyn.

Please note that the registration is now closed.

By attending this event you may be visible in photos or in the video of the seminar which will be made available on SBS’ website, social media, newsletter and/or printed publications.

Programme and recording of the conference


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