4 October – Twinning exercise : Together to strengthen SMEs in the standardisation process

4 October – Twinning exercise : Together to strengthen SMEs in the standardisation process

Learn and share your experiences on SMEs in standardisation with DIN and ÚNMZ!

Small Business Standards has the pleasure to invite you to its first twinning seminar organised with the support of the German Skilled Crafts Association (ZDH), the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN) and the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing (ÚNMZ).

The objective is to raise awareness among National Standardisation Organisations (NSOs) about the value of further including SMEs in standardisation and to share experiences on SME initiatives.

This first twinning exercise will allow DIN and ÚNMZ to share and identify good practices in reaching out and involving SMEs in standardisation.

Attendees from other organisations are welcome to share their own experiences and contribute to discussions.

For any questions, please contact Tessa Delville (t.delville@sbs-sme.eu).

Twinning exercise - Programme EN_12

Programme and recording of the conference


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