Working Groups
SBS Working Groups offer SBS members and experts a means to collaborate and exchange information on issues related to standardisation, the work in relevant technical committees and related policies.
SBS Working Groups membership is open to all SBS experts and members. The main objectives of the Working Groups are to share relevant information among members and experts in a particular sector or horizontal area and to facilitate coordination and alignment on common positions.

- Construction Convenor: Barbara Sorgato, SBS expert and Secretary General of ECAP, the European Consortium of Anchors Producers.
Secretariat: Evangelia Tsiala, Technical Officer and Expert Coordinator - Digitalisation
Convenor: Massimo Vanetti, SBS expert.
Secretariat: Alexander Chourreau, Tech Policy Officer at the European DIGITAL SME Alliance. - Lifts
Convenor and Secretary: Elettra Bilibio, Policy Advisor at EFESME. - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and textile care
Convenor: Piotr Pietrowski, SBS expert.
Secretariat: Gabriele Casalini, SME Safety. - Sustainability
Convenor and Secretary: Andreea Mihaela David, Standardisation and Project Officer at SBS.
Working group meetings usually take place twice a year. Ad-hoc Working Groups are also created to discuss other topics of common interest, whenever needed.
SBS Working Groups
SBS Working Groups have been set up to give experts and SBS members a platform to exchange about standardisation developments and related European policies and to develop common SBS positions on sector specific or horizontal topics.
Currently, SBS set up five Working Groups:
- Construction Working Group
- Digitalisation Working Group
- Lifts Working Group
- Personal Protective Equipment and Textile care Working Group
- Sustainability Working Group
Ad-hoc Working Groups are also created to discuss other topics of common interest.
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