Our Structure

Meet our Members, Experts and the Team who contribute to the work and mission of Small Business Standards.

Our Structure


Member Organisations constitute a diverse network committed to advocating for SME interests in standardisation. The Members contribute to the development of SBS’ common positions and benefit from its activities.


The SBS Board of Directors oversees the management of the association and plays a crucial role in shaping the association’s strategy and guiding it toward its goals and future development.


The Team Members at SBS are dedicated professionals committed to advancing the association's objectives. Their collaborative efforts focus on promoting SME involvement in standardisation and enhancing their understanding of the benefits of standards.


One of the most important activities of SBS is the representation of SMEs’ interest in the development of standards through the direct participation of SME experts in European and international technical committees.

Working Groups

SBS Working Groups offer SBS members and experts a means to collaborate and exchange information on issues related to standardisation, the work in relevant technical committees and related policies.

Views and opinions expressed are those of Small Business Standards (SBS) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EFTA. Neither the European Union nor EFTA can be held responsible for them.