SME Compatibility Test

SME Compatibility Test


The questions which follow are intended to allow you to judge the level of the compatibility of a standard in relation to SMEs.
Please answer all questions based on the full content of the standard you are assessing. If a question is not relevant to the standard you are assessing, please answer Not applicable (NA). The more questions you are able to answer with a score (as opposed to replying NA), the more accurate the overall score will be. Your assessment will be much more valuable if you provide evidence (e.g. citing text from the standard) to justify your answers.
Please ensure that something is placed into every score box, either a number (1, 3 or 5) or NA. The field is mandatory. For information, the values are weighed depending on the importance of the criterion. Once you have answered all questions, the form will automatically calculate the overall rating for the standard you have assessed. The overall rating is shown at the bottom of the questionnaire.
Three levels of compatibility have been defined:

Step 1 of 12

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By providing your e-mail you also agree to be contacted by SBS in relation to your answers to the test.
Reference and title/subject of the standard (required)
Please provide the reference of the standard e.g. ISO 9001 Quality Management systems, EN 71-3 Safety of toys- Migration of certain elements, ETSI EN 319 102-1 Electronic signatures- creation and validation...
Views and opinions expressed are those of Small Business Standards (SBS) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EFTA. Neither the European Union nor EFTA can be held responsible for them.