The GUIDE 17 – SME Standardisation Guide

The GUIDE 17 – SME Standardisation Guide


The Guide 17 video promotion is a joint initiative SBS & CEN and CENELEC

This video seeks to increase and facilitate SMEs involvement in standardisation by promoting the Guide17 also referred to as the ‘SME Standardisation Guide’. The CEN-CENELEC Guide 17 proposes several strategies to address SMEs’ needs in the standards drafting process. It features:

🔹 Information on the preparation of new work items;

🔹 Issues to be considered when drafting a standard;

🔹 Developing the content of the standard;

🔹 The structure and presentation of the content;

🔹 The implications resulting from standards;

🔹 A final checklist helping standard writers to take into account SME needs.


Download your free copy of Guide 17 in multiple languages here.


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