The SME Compatibility Test for Standards
SBS has developed a test for the assessment of the compatibility of standards with SME needs. Test a standard to see if it can be easily applied by smaller companies!
Testing the compatibility of standards from the SMEs perspective
Standards need to be compatible with the needs and characteristics of SMEs to ensure that standards support their growth and do not create unnecessary burdens to them. If standards meet the needs of SMEs they are also more likely to be adopted by them. SBS has therefore developed a methodology to assess the SME compatibility of standards.
The SME Compatibility Test builds on CEN-CENELEC Guide 17 “Guidance for writing standards taking into account micro, small and medium-sized enterprises needs” which provides advice to standards makers on how to develop SME-compatible standards.
The test is the starting point for possible improvements to a standard if it appears that it does not apply to smaller businesses.
The SME Compatibility Test can be applied at any stage of the process of the development of a standard (enquiry, approval, etc.) and to all types of standards whatever the source, i.e. international (ISO and IEC), European (example: EN) or national. The test’s criteria focus on the standard itself, the way it is written, its impact on SMEs and ease of implementation.
If you have any suggestions or comments regarding the assessment method, the test’s structure or content, please write to the secretariat.