SBS gets involved in the new Horizon Europe project STAND4EU

SBS gets involved in the new Horizon Europe project STAND4EU

Funded by the European Union in the framework of the funding program Horizon Europe, STAND4EU is a project coordinated by the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting – EWF (BE) with the partnership of the Brunel University (UK), Siemens (DE), Fraunhofer (DE), Chalmers Technical School (SE) and Small Business Standards (BE).

STAND4EU aims to strengthen the links between research, innovation and standardisation ensuring that standardisation is an integral part of the European research and innovation landscape. The project will run from 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2024.

STAND4EU will map and identify key stakeholders and actors involved in standardisation activities at national, regional (EU) and international level to allow a proper identification of the obstacles hampering the standardisation efforts within the scope of 4 main technological domains: Additive Manufacturing, Welding, Smart manufacturing/Industry 4.0/Digitalization/ Artificial Intelligence & Circular Economy.

The kick-off meeting will take place in Brussels on Monday 12 September, and will be hosted by SBS.

For more information regarding the project, please contact Mihaela Andreea David.


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