SBS enters the European standardisation scene

SBS enters the European standardisation scene

Brussels, 13rd March 2014 – In the first weeks of March, Small Business Standards – the association representing European SMEs in the standard making process at European and international levels – set out to increase its visibility towards important actors in the European standardisation environment. Putting forward its priorities in the interest of SMEs, SBS positioned itself as the SME representative. The more SMEs are involved in standards, better is Europe’s chance of having competitive and innovative enterprises.

UEAPME Secretary General Peter FAROSS, representing Small Business Standards (SBS) at the EU Standardiation Working Group ‘Operational Aspects and Strategy’ meeting on 4th March, emphasised the special importance to have SME friendly standards so as to bring SME innovation to the market. European Commission and Member States representatives, ESOs, NSOs as well as members of the Working Group were informed about SBS objectives, i.e. representing the interests of SMEs in the standardisation process at European level, raising awareness of SMEs on standardisation and motivating SMEs to participate in the standardisation process.

SBS Project Manager Sandrine LAURENT attended the CEN-CENELEC Network of SME Helpdesks’ first meeting on 10th March, organised to maximise support to SMEs, where she underlined SBS’ priorities for 2014 and 2015 as enabling SMEs to be better positioned in the European standardisation process. “There is also a serious urgency in taking out an assessment of SME needs so as to tackle the areas more adequate to SMEs and their position in the standardisation world.” Ms Laurent also reminded participants about the SBS call for experts launched at the beginning of the month with a deadline on 24th March.

It has been an intensive couple of weeks during which SBS presented and defended SME interests, at both European and national levels, towards all involved actors in the European standardisation world.

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