Newsletter – Issue 6 – 2016

Newsletter – Issue 6 – 2016

SBS upcoming events

SBS has organised many events in 2016 and more are planned before the end of the year. On 4th October in Berlin, SBS is organising, with the support of the German Skilled Crafts Association (ZDH), its first twinning event between the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN) and the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing (ÚNMZ). During this event DIN and ÚNMZ will share experiences and identify good practices in reaching out and involving SMEs in standardisation.

SBS Annual Conference will take place in Brussels on 19th October. The theme of this 2nd edition is “Reinforcing the cooperation amongst the standardisation community” and will feature panel discussions on topics such as “Standards as a means for smaller companies to go international” and “How to ensure the voluntary nature of standards” among others. Representatives from the European Parliament, European Commission, European Standardisation Organisations, stakeholders and SBS members will be amongst the panellists. Policy-makers are keen to see more standards for services. SBS is therefore organising an event
focusing on standards and services. The event will take place in Brussels on 15th November.

Participants will include representatives from the European Commission, CEN-CENELEC who is in charge of developing the standards and stakeholders representing various services.

Read the full newsletter


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