SBS-EBC-FIEC-Construction Product Europe Statement on the IMCO proposal for a revised CPR Regulation

SBS-EBC-FIEC-Construction Product Europe Statement on the IMCO proposal for a revised CPR Regulation


Brussels, 24 May 2023 – Yesterday, the European Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) adopted its position on the proposal for a revised Construction Products Regulation (CPR) under the leadership of the rapporteur Christian Doleschal (EPP).

In line with our November joint statement, we express our appreciation of the following:

  • The proposed new rules for a more efficient standardisation process, and the clearly defined conditions under which the European Commission can intervene,
  • The new repeal dates for Art. 2-9, 11, 27-28 for an easier transition from the current to the revised CPR,
  • The deletion of the possibility for the EC to set penalties via “delegated acts” in case of non-compliance with the CPR.
However, we would request:
  • The exclusion of the “deinstallation” of construction products and of all references to “services” from the scope (and not only of the “direct installation”), as these could potentially cover activities applying to contractors and thus create legal uncertainty,
  • A different procedure than “delegated acts” for setting rules on green public procurement contracts, with more power given to Member States in this field,
  • A clearer definition of the relationship between the current CPR Technical Acquis Process and the proposed “Working Plan for Transition”,
  • Simplified, pragmatic procedures where manufacturers are responsible and trusted for their declarations.

We remain at the disposal of Members of the European Parliament for further information ahead of the plenary vote scheduled for July.

We, the construction ecosystem, representing the second largest European industry, emphasize the paramount importance of establishing a stable and reliable framework for construction products in the EU, after 10 years after the entry into force of the current rules. Clarity and certainty for all actors of the construction value chain are urgently needed.


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