Legal framework

Legal framework

Legal Framework

The Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European standardisation is the legal basis of the European standardisation system for products and services. It provides support to European legislation and policies. This text aims to develop standards more quickly; ensure better representation of stakeholders, including SMEs, while respecting the principle of national delegation where applicable; make possible the development of harmonized European standards in the field of services (within a given mandate by the European Commission); and identify the technical specifications developed by fora and consortia may be mentioned in public procurement in the EU.

The Regulation sets obligations to European Standardisation Organisations (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI) and National Standardisation Bodies on transparency of standardisation processes and on stakeholder participation in European and national standardisation activities. It establishes a new framework of interest representation in European standardisation, which should be equal, proportionate and encourage SME participation. In order to represent SME interests in the standard making process and to always remain up-to-date on the latest developments, SBS therefore believes it is fundamental to establish a solid cooperation with all Standardisation Organisations.

At European level, SBS is a member of ETSI since its creation. Moreover, CEN, CENELEC carried out a revision of their partnership models with representatives of civil society and industry, enabling SBS to sign a partnership agreement withCEN, CENELEC.


30 Years of the single market – The role of standards

A practical guide for SMEs – Why standards matter and how to get involved

How to find a standard?


How are standards drafted?

Meeting Standards Website

Views and opinions expressed are those of Small Business Standards (SBS) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EFTA. Neither the European Union nor EFTA can be held responsible for them.