First European standardisation seminar for SMEs

First European standardisation seminar for SMEs

Brussels, 6th June 2014 – SBS – the European association representing SMEs in the standard making process at European and international levels – is organising its first European seminar on standardisation for SMEs in Brussels on 1st July. The event will bring together major stakeholders from the standardisation world as well as associations representing SMEs in the process.

One of SBS’ main missions is to enhance SMEs and national associations’ involvement in the standardisation world. The aim being to familiarise SMEs with the benefits they can gain from using standards in their daily business life, e.g. reduce costs, better market access, …

To do so, SBS has invited the European standardisation organisations (CEN-CENELEC and ETSI) and the European Commission, to present aspects of the standardisation mechanisms to member SME associations directly affected by standards usage. This seminar is organised with the financial support of the European Commission and information topics range from an overview of the European standardisation System, its process and legislation to the existing support for SMEs as well as why it is important to attract SME representatives to standardisation.



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