The use of standards in policy: is there an elephant in the room?

The use of standards in policy: is there an elephant in the room?


The use of standards in policy: is there an elephant in the room?

A Workshop to explore the possible implications of the James Elliott and other Court cases on the way policy-makers perceive and use standards in European laws and policies.
12 June 2018
European Economic and Social Committee (JDE70 room)

Small Business Standards and ECOS, the european environmental citizens organisation for standardisation,  organized a workshop on the ruling of the European Court of Justice in the James Elliott case, which for the first time recognises that European standards are part of EU legislation. The workshop will also address other EU court cases which have an effect on the use of standards in support of EU Single Market legislation, as well as the increasing use of standards to set policy.

The aim of this event was to discuss the consequences this and other rulings could have on the European standardisation system, the use of standards in EU policy-making, and the effects on SME and other users of standards.




  • ​Visual report

The complex issues discussed during our workshop are summarised in a visual report. Download the report here

  • Workshop conclusions

If you prefer a more traditional summary, click here to download ECOS’ concise workshop conclusions.

  • Position paper

On the occasion of the workshop, ECOS published a Position Paper entitled “The Use of Standards in Legislation and Policies: Click here for more information

  • Photo gallery

To view the workshop pictures, click here





Programme and recording of the conference


Views and opinions expressed are those of Small Business Standards (SBS) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EFTA. Neither the European Union nor EFTA can be held responsible for them.