10 October – Annual Conference: European Standardisation Regulation – 5 years on. What has changed for SMEs?

10 October – Annual Conference: European Standardisation Regulation – 5 years on. What has changed for SMEs?


Small Business Standards has the pleasure to invite you to its third annual conference which will take place on 10 October 2017 in the Solvay Library in Brussels.

This year’s edition, moderated by Jacki Davis, will be dedicated to the five year anniversary of the EU Regulation 1025/2012 on European standardisation.

A more open, transparent, inclusive and better functioning standardisation system contributes to the objectives of the Single Market as well as to the competitiveness of smaller European companies. With this conference, SBS aims at increasing its understanding while raising awareness, among various stakeholders, of the situation of SMEs in the context of standardisation five years after the adoption of the Regulation.

Venue: Solvay Library, Rue Belliard 137, 1000 Brussels

Contact: t.delville@sbs-sme.eu

Interpretation will be provided in French, German and Italian.

Please note that this event may be video recorded. By attending this event you may be visible in photos or in the video of the event which will be made available on our website, social media, newsletter and/or printed publications.


SBS event 2017_booklet_FINAL

Programme and recording of the conference


Views and opinions expressed are those of Small Business Standards (SBS) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EFTA. Neither the European Union nor EFTA can be held responsible for them.