CEN Workshop on 18 March – Sustainability in PPE: addressing the challenge through standardisation

CEN Workshop on 18 March – Sustainability in PPE: addressing the challenge through standardisation

During the COVID-19 health crisis huge amounts of disposable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are being used, even when reusable solutions are available. At different levels, the realisation that also PPE needs to be more sustainable is growing. The CEN-CENELEC PPE Sector forum would like to support these efforts by facilitating an exchange with all involved stakeholders to discuss ways to include sustainability aspects into standardisation.

Speakers will include Henk Vanhoutte, chair of the CEN CENELEC PPE Sector Forum and Secretary General of the European Safety Federation, SBS Board Member Andreas Schumacher and representatives from European Commission DG GROW (PPE Working Group), ECOS and CEN SABE.

The workshop will be held online on Thursday, 18 March 2021, from 9.30 to 16.00 CET.

REGISTRATION: Participation is free of charge, but registration is obligatory before 10 March. Register and save your spot now!

AGENDA: Take a look here

Should you have any question, please contact Inga Troester

For more information, consult the CEN dedicated webpage.


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