Call for Experts representing SMEs in ESOs, ISO and IEC

Call for Experts representing SMEs in ESOs, ISO and IEC

The appointment of experts is conditional to the approval of the Work Programme and budget 2017 by the EC and signature of the annual operating grant.

The appointment of experts is subject to the decision of the SBS General Assembly.

Small Business Standards (SBS) seeks to appoint a total number of 55 experts, representing SBS in 2017, in standardisation Technical Committees (TCs) and Working Groups (WGs) of SME relevance. The objective is to appoint 45 experts at European level (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI) and 10 experts at international level (ISO and IEC). This new call is co-funded by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

This call is addressed to possible new experts as well as already appointed experts in 2016 to monitor and represent the overall European SME perspective in TCs and/or WGs. The expert will work as an SME representative and not as the representative of a single organisation/company/country at TC/WG level. This call is open to experts from all organisations (members and non-members) representing SMEs in Europe (at national and/or European level) and in EFTA countries (members and non-members) and to independent experts (independent experts must submit a letter of support from an SME organisation to show the absence of conflict of interest). As SBS is committed to diversifying its presence, organisations and experts are welcome to propose applications to TCs/WGs where SBS is not represented yet.

The appointment of experts is conditional to the approval of SBS 2017 Work Programme and budget by the European Commission and signature of the annual operating grant.

The appointment of experts is subject to the decision of the SBS General Assembly.


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